“Story Telling in English” By the light of the torches, we saw the black Hulk lying out a little way from the mud of the shore, like a wicked Noah’s ark. Cribbed and barred and moored by massive rusty chains, the prison-ship seemed in my young eyes to be ironed […]
오랜기간 영어를 해도 늘지 않는다는 분들… 영어학원을 몇개월을 다녀도 늘지 않는 다는 분들… 같은 기간 학원을 다녔지만 누구는 잘하고 누구는 못하고, 언어적 재능이 없다고 생각 하시는 분들… 혹시 영어를 한 시간은 확인 해 보셨나요? 얼마나 오랫동안 했냐 보다 중요한건 내가 영어를 한 시간이 얼마나 되었는가는 생각해보세요. 직접 소리를 낸 시간을 […]
Miss Crawford’s uneasiness was much lightened by this conversation, and she walked home again in spirits which might have defied almost another week of the same small party in the same bad weather, had they been put to the proof; but as that very evening brought her brother down from […]
“Story Telling in English” I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I’ve never been able to believe it. I don’t believe a rose would be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage. “Story Telling […]
The ball was over, and the breakfast was soon over too; the last kiss was given, and William was gone. Mr. Crawford had, as he foretold, been very punctual, and short and pleasant had been the meal. After seeing William to the last moment, Fanny walked back to the breakfast-room […]
[EBS 다큐 프라임] 교육의 재구성 KDI (한국개발연구원)는 미래형 인재양성에 적합한 교육방법으로 세계적으로 주목 받고 있는 PBL(Project Based Learning) ? 프로젝트 기반 학습에 ?관한 다큐멘터리를 EBS와 공동 제작, 15, 16일 이틀에 걸쳐 [EBS 다큐 프라임 ? 교육의 재구성]을 통해 소개 하였다. <1부 – PBL을 아시나요?>에서는 ?PBL를 시행하고 있는 나라,?각?학교에서의 수업 사례를 […]
Her uncle and both her aunts were in the drawing-room when Fanny went down. To the former she was an interesting object, and he saw with pleasure the general elegance of her appearance, and her being in remarkably good looks. The neatness and propriety of her dress was all that […]
On reaching home Fanny went immediately upstairs to deposit this unexpected acquisition, this doubtful good of a necklace, in some favourite box in the East room, which held all her smaller treasures; but on opening the door, what was her surprise to find her cousin Edmund there writing at the […]
10대 학생이 클럽의 멤버가 되고자 할 때는 대부분 부모님과 함께 오는 경우가 많다. 다시말해, 이 클럽이 어떤 곳인지도 모른채 그냥 끌려오는 경우가 대부분이다. 그럴때에는 “어머님(아버님)은 잠시 자리를…” 단둘이 대화를 할 수 있게 정중히 부탁드린다. 그리고 클럽에 대해 자세히 설명을 하고 “이 클럽의 선택 여부는 ***에게 있으니 부모님 눈치 보지말고 […]
William’s desire of seeing Fanny dance made more than a momentary impression on his uncle. The hope of an opportunity, which Sir Thomas had then given, was not given to be thought of no more. He remained steadily inclined to gratify so amiable a feeling; to gratify anybody else who […]