Episode 18-StoryTelling-Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi-Chapter 18,19-Anna Kim


“Story Telling in English”

The novel (Pinocchio) told us and children to obey their parents and nation,

but sometimes I got confused.

Why do children have to obey their parents or nation?

So, I found myself merit of this book.

Self directed, independent,?enthusiastic

These are good merits of Pinocchio.


“Story Telling in Korean”

어른들 말 잘 듣는 아이들은…

피노키오에서 얻어야 할 것은

아이들은 언제나 시행착오를 격는데 어른들은 그것을 기다려줘야 한다..

자기만의 방식으로 해결할 수 있게 기회를 줘야 한다 생각해요.



덧글 삭제

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