“Story Telling in English” He reads a lot of books in Reform Club. News papers for three hours, Playing card games for two hours and reading books. So that, he could know everywhere. “Story Telling in Korean” 지도를 보는 게 취미인 저는… 80일간의 세계 일주를 통해 세계여행을 하는 중입니다.
“Story Telling in English” If I was Dorothy, I would go back to my house because of my family. “Story Telling in Korean” 바쁜 생활 속에서, 다른 분들보다도 조금은(?) 많은 나이임에도 불구하고, 꾸준히 하려는 의지와 열정에 박수를 보내드립니다! -Kim-