It was, indeed, a triumphant day to Mr. Bertram and Maria. Such a victory over Edmund’s discretion had been beyond their hopes, and was most delightful. There was no longer anything to disturb them in their darling project, and they congratulated each other in private on the jealous weakness to […]
It was not in Miss Crawford’s power to talk Fanny into any real forgetfulness of what had passed. When the evening was over, she went to bed full of it, her nerves still agitated by the shock of such an attack from her cousin Tom, so public and so persevered […]
When Dorothy was left alone she began to feel hungry. So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter. She gave some to Toto, and taking a pail from the shelf she carried it down to the little brook and filled it with […]
Miss Crawford accepted the part very readily; and soon after Miss Bertram’s return from the Parsonage, Mr. Rushworth arrived, and another character was consequently cast. He had the offer of Count Cassel and Anhalt, and at first did not know which to chuse, and wanted Miss Bertram to direct him; […]
CHAPTER II BLACK DOG APPEARS AND DISAPPEARS It was not very long after this that there occurred the first of the mysterious events that rid us at last of the captain, though not, as you will see, of his affairs. It was a bitter cold winter, with long, hard frosts […]
이유 없는 실패(포기)는 없다. ‘핑계 없는 무덤은 없다’ 라는 속담이 있다. 어떤 일이든 이유는 다 있다 – 라는 의미로도 쓰이지만, 주로, 잘못에 대한 핑계 또는 변명을 하는 사람에게 쓰인다. 우리는 영어를 하고 싶고, 여러 번 시도를 한다. 하지만 쉽게 실패(포기) 하는 경우가 많다. 클럽에 있다 보면, 다양한 […]
Fanny seemed nearer being right than Edmund had supposed. The business of finding a play that would suit everybody proved to be no trifle; and the carpenter had received his orders and taken his measurements, had suggested and removed at least two sets of difficulties, and having made the necessity […]
운동과 영어 내 아내는 매일 아침 요가를 다니고 있다. 출산 후 몸매에 스트레스를 받아 오다, 처음에는 집에서 해보겠다고 식사량과 야식, 군것질을 줄이더니 결국은 혼자는 안되겠는지 함께 하는 사람을 찾기 위해 요가학원을 다니기 시작하였다. 요가학원을 다니면서 선생님께 칭찬을 듣기도 하고, 열심히 하라 꾸중도 듣기도 한단다. 가끔은 잘 안 되는 동작이 (물구나무 […]