“Story Telling in English” She pretended that she was making a flower-bed, and she stuck big scarlet hibiscus blossoms into little heaps of earth, all the time growing more and more angry and muttering to herself the things she would say and the names she would call Saidie when she […]
List of 10 Books (Korean) 번호 제목 진행 1 마션 2 파이이야기 Episode 01 (20160530) 3 베네딕트 비밀클럽 4 동화독법 5 퀴르발 남작 6 와일드 7 통찰력 사전 8 삶의 한가운데 9 황제를 위하여 10 이탈리아 기행
“Story Telling in English” The poor cat had a bad indigestion, and could eat no more than thirty-five mullet with tomato sauce, and four helpings of tripe with Parmesan cheese …. and so on. They were far too well-mannered to offer such an insult to a gentleman like you. “Story […]
“Story Telling in English” My state of mind, as I have described it, began before I was up in the morning, and lasted long after the subject had died out, and had ceased to be mentioned saving on exceptional occasions. “Story Telling in Korean” 평소 혼자 책을 읽을 때와는 다르게, […]
Edmund had determined that it belonged entirely to Fanny to chuse whether her situation with regard to Crawford should be mentioned between them or not; and that if she did not lead the way, it should never be touched on by him; but after a day or two of mutual […]
Edmund had great things to hear on his return. Many surprises were awaiting him. The first that occurred was not least in interest: the appearance of Henry Crawford and his sister walking together through the village as he rode into it. He had concluded?he had meant them to be far […]
“Story Telling in English” I think this is the most important part of this chapter because Cathy stayed there after that she had changed. “Story Telling in Korean” 이번 Thrush-cross Grange의 방문으로 Catherine이 Edgar를 좋아하게 되는 계기가 됩니다
The conference was neither so short nor so conclusive as the lady had designed. The gentleman was not so easily satisfied. He had all the disposition to persevere that Sir Thomas could wish him. He had vanity, which strongly inclined him in the first place to think she did love […]